* Adult Bible study and prayer Wednesday evenings at 6:30. Adults are studying the book of John, currently in Chapter 12. Teens meet all together then break into small groups to dig a little deeper. They meet in the church house in the recently renovated youth room.

* AWANA children’s program runs September through April. AWANA is on break until September. Our Wednesday children’ program begins with registration from 6:15 to 6:30. AWANA is over at 7:45 and is for age 3 through 5th grade. No AWANA Wednesday November 27.

*Sermons to come: Sermon series Five Things To Nail Down starts January 5, 2025. January 12 is “Jesus Is Our Redeemer.” 

* Super Bowl party for students grades 6 to 12 February 11th. More details to come.